Club Meetings

The NBARC Meetings are always held on the first Monday of every Month @ Moore's Old Tyme BBQ Chicken & Seafood, Hwy 17 New Bern, NC. The meeting starts @ 6:30 PM and are usually over by 8:00 PM. If you plan to enjoy dinner come out earlier @ 6:00 PM and enjoy the food & Fellowship. Anyone wishing to join the club or just find out what the club is all about is welcome to attend. Our Monthly NBARC meetings are open to everyone!

Monthly Meeting Dates

First Monday of the Month at Moore's BBQ in New Bern @ 6:30pm


Our Monthly Meetings are held at Moore's Old Tyme BBQ Chicken & Seafood, 3621 Doctor M.L.K. Jr Blvd, New Bern, NC 28562. The phone of the restaurant is (252) 638-3937.
For great food BBQ, Chicken & Seafood and Ham Radio Fellowship beginning 6:00 PM or earlier.  The meeting, Introductions, and program begin 6:30 PM and usually the meeting is adjourned by 8:00 PM or earlier depending on the program for that evening.

Arrive 6:00 PM or earlier and place your food order at the customer front counter, you pay for your meal, grab your food tray and proceed to the private meeting room to the right side of the eating area. Enjoy your meal and fellowship with other Hams and at 6:30 PM we begin our meeting with introductions, announcements, area happenings, Ham radio trivia, birthdays, along with our evening program. Then we adjourn the meeting anywhere between 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM depending on that evening's program.

We encourage ALL Hams from other Clubs along with their friends, spouses and interested parties to attend. We are open to the public and everyone is invited to attend and participate. You do NOT have to be a paid member to attend our Monthly club meetings nor our functions.

In-Person FCC Amateur Radio License Exam This Weekend in New Bern!

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